Berlin Soup Athens 2016 – Mythology & Fairytales

is the theme of the next BERLIN SOUP International Arts Festival to be held in Athens, Greece, June 4 – June 11, 2016.
Everywhere, our lives & histories small & large are mythologies open to interpretation, 
and it is for artists & performers to continue defining these journeys of naming and magic stories for a public hungry for wellness.
Mythologically speaking too, 
fairytales & mythology are our daily signs reaching for outer spaces of sorcery & passion always under construction
 as magical  foundations of art & communication spoons stirring the human condition into renewal & serendipity.
We see Art as mythologies of the soul  traveling in the mind & constructing their  own heroism and definitions of what it means to be intuitively inventive in a Now open to rebirth as style and, at the same time, responsible for the Future.

As co-curators of the BERLIN SOUP, we welcome this opportunity to explore what is common to all mankind and still mysterious & New as we Imagine.

For any inquries please don’t hesitate to contact us. Stay tuned for more information !
