The Berlin Soup Concept
The Berlin Soup, an exquisite potpourri, sees Art & Contemporary Culture as global healers bringing people together, exploring new togetherness in creative ways & opening up possibilities of further breaking down barriers that tend unnecessarily to separate us from our potential as artists & special examples in a world now presently on edge.
We believe too, says curators Dalmose & Raphael, that artist + audience create a completeness of vision in the strengthening of values & institutions.
One of the things quite unique & distinct about Berlin Soup, according to the curators, is its innovation unlimited feeling with a global reach, bringing artists & performers of diverse nations together and exploring quality difference in presentations. All of this evident in the festival’s quality ingredients and other lively surprises.
In July 2018 Berlin is hosting the Berlin Soup V.
Previous Berlin Soups has taken place in Berlin 2013, Copenhagen 2014, Berlin 2015 and Athens 2016.